The Mattress Factory is an artist-centered museum, international residency program and renowned producer and presenter of installation art. We say “yes” to artists, offering time and space to dream and realize projects in our hometown, Pittsburgh, PA. We invite audiences from around the world and around the corner to step inside, immerse and connect with the artistic process.
The Greer Lankton Collection is organized by material and is separated into eight series; Correspondence, Ephemera and Administrative Papers, Journals, Periodicals, Photo Albums, Photographs, Slides and Negatives, and Artwork.
My project is writing a novel as a physical act of making, a novel-as-sculpture. How is a book made? What are the materials? I am using this fiction space to experiment with the exchange between the making of things and the act of describing them.
The Museum Collects Itself
Lenka Clayton & Phillip Andrew Lewis
HalfDream: Another Room
Doreen Chan
Chan sets into motion a system for gathering and sharing the ephemeral, idiosyncratic dreams of the collective, transforming them into artwork with the participants, and asking visitors to reflect on their own dream memories.
sarah huny young
This is a place for Black women and femmes, especially the m/others, the queers, the outcasts, the sex workers, the misunderstood, and the overlooked, to be at careless play, at deserved rest, deep in thought, and rooted in joy with their mothers.
Wall Blue/Wall Red
Christina Kubisch
corner piece (bat)
Rolf Julius
why pink, why yellow
Rolf Julius
Bottled Air
Terry Fox
Wall-to-Wall Studios
Working with Poets
Robert Qualters
The artist transcribes and illuminates the work of other artists with his own intuitions.
David Pohl
Old record players are turned into a series of expressive altars, whose insistent sounds evoke the repetitive mantras of Eastern spirituality.