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Teen Art Cooperative
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The Mattress Factory is an artist-centered museum, international residency program and renowned producer and presenter of installation art. We say “yes” to artists, offering time and space to dream and realize projects in our hometown, Pittsburgh, PA. We invite audiences from around the world and around the corner to step inside, immerse and connect with the artistic process.

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Ting Tong Chang

November 21, 2025

This play is a reflection on the (im)possibility of accepting diversity and the other. The fragmented body of the neoplasm—the fruit of unstable conditions—overcomes barriers, loves and denies itself and others, wanders around, forgetting its profession. It frequently and with pleasure divides, goes through dangerous palpation, questions the possibility of contact with the experience of the other. Poorly brought up but very successful, it invites us to a trans-species transition.

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Ting Tong Chang (b.1982, Taipei) is an artist who lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan and Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Starting his early career as a street artist, Bbrother, Chang's politically charged works had repeatedly become the focus of media attention and public debate. After completing his MFA at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2011, Chang transitioned towards contemporary art. His satirical gaze leaves no aspect of society untouched. Revelling in the absurd and illogical, he makes a mockery of socio-political subjects ranging from the social and ecological effects of consumerism to the functioning of the art world itself. Working across the distinct practices of immersive installation, video and theatre, his transgressive practice co-opts science, technology and history to dissect the world around him.

Chang has exhibited internationally. He held solo exhibitions at the Museum of NTUE(TW) and Taipei Fine Arts Museum(TW) and has participated in group shows and commissioned projects in Guangzhou Triennial(CN), Taipei Biennial(TW), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media(JP), Compton Verney Art Gallery(UK) and Wellcome Trust(UK). Chang’s major awards include the Taishin Arts Award(TW), Taipei Art Award(TW), Art Central RISE Award(HK), VIA Arts Prize(UK), and Gilbert Bayes Award(UK). His works can be found in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum(TW), Hong Foundation(TW), Aura Contemporary Art Foundation(JP), Hertzog Da Silva Collection(ES) and private collections in Europe and Asia.


他的近期個展於北師美術館、台北市立美術館舉行;並參與台北雙年展(台灣)、廣州三年展(中國)、山口情報藝術中心(日本)、 康普頓弗尼美術館(英國)、惠康基金會(英國)之群展與委託案.近期獲獎包括台新藝術獎(台灣)、台北美術獎(台灣)、Art Central新晉菁英大獎(香港)、伊比利美術獎(英國)、吉爾伯特·貝葉斯獎(英國)。作品受台北市立美術館(台灣)、洪建全基金會(台灣)、アウラ現代藝術振興財団(日本)、赫爾佐格·達席爾瓦基金會(西班牙),與亞洲歐洲私人收藏.



November 21, 2025


500 Sampsonia

About The Artist

Ting Tong Chang (b.1982, Taipei) is an artist who lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan and Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Chang’s satirical gaze leaves no aspect of society untouched. Revelling in the absurd and illogical, he makes a mockery of socio-political subjects ranging from the social and ecological effects of consumerism to the functioning of the art world itself. Working across the distinct practices of immersive installation, video and theatre, his transgressive practice co-opts science, technology and history to dissect the world around him. After receiving his MFA at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2011, Chang has exhibited internationally. He held solo exhibitions at the Museum of NTUE and Taipei Fine Arts Museum and has participated in group shows and commissioned projects in Anyang Public Art Project(KR), Guangzhou Triennial(CN), Taipei Biennia(TW)l, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media(JP), Compton Verney Art Gallery(UK) and Wellcome Trust(UK). Chang’s major awards include the Taishin Arts Award(TW), Taipei Art Award(TW), Art Central RISE Award(HK), VIA Arts Prize(UK), Gilbert Bayes Award(UK) and Lumen Prize(UK). His works can be found in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Art Bank, Hong Foundation, Aura Contemporary Art Foundation and private collections in Europe and Asia.


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