This play is a reflection on the (im)possibility of accepting diversity and the other. The fragmented body of the neoplasm—the fruit of unstable conditions—overcomes barriers, loves and denies itself and others, wanders around, forgetting its profession. It frequently and with pleasure divides, goes through dangerous palpation, questions the possibility of contact with the experience of the other. Poorly brought up but very successful, it invites us to a trans-species transition.
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Working with the process of a traditional artisan, Fabrizio Gerbino creates meditative sculptures, paintings, drawings, and site-specific installations whose formal qualities suggest a complex and considered exploration of color, form, and space. Gerbino's sculptural wall installation here is based on found wood objects that the artist replicated by hand (in wood) and then covered with a shimmery “skin” of lead, presenting a dialogue between the industrial and the handmade. In correspondence with his prolonged, thoughtful methodology, the artist created one per day for a year. Surrounding the door in perfect and systemic repetition around the façade of the entrance to the gallery, evoking rows of Samurai swords or dungeon-like armature, the sculpted objects act as sentries to the apocalyptic experience to come. Curated by Heather Pesanti
Fabrizio Gerbino was born in 1962 in Italy and lives and works in Pittsburgh, PA. He attended the Istituto Statale D’Arte, Florence, Italy, where he received both his Diploma di Maestro D’Arte (Master of Arts) and Diploma di Magistero (Diploma of Education). He also attended the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze (Scuola Libera del Nudo) Florence, Italy.